Scottish Social Services Workforce Data
Scottish Social Services Workforce Data
2009 detailed workforce information
Publication revised This spreadsheet contains information about the Social Services Workforce collected from services regulated by the Care Inspectorate (via its Annual Returns in December) and from the annual October Local Authority Social Work...
2012 detailed workforce information
Publication revised This spreadsheet contains information about the Social Services Workforce collected from services regulated by the Care Inspectorate (via its Annual Returns in December) and from the annual December Local Authority Social Work...
Revision to 2012 detailed workforce data
Minor formatting and labelling issues were identified in the 2012 detailed workforce information. The issue affects the "LA SWS Table" tab for the rows between Orkney Islands and South Lanarkshire. Some of the Local Authority and Location/Activity...
What we are working on
Here is what we've been working on recently: 1) Ad Hoc Data requests - Covid 19 - We have been providing information on request to organisations who require it in order to help them deal with the Covid 19 Pandemic. 2) The Children's Services Workforce...
Differences between registration and workforce data
Workforce Data and Registration Data The SSSC has two main sets of data on people working in the social service sector in Scotland. The first is usually referred to by us as the ‘workforce’ data and the second as the ‘registration’ data. Before looking...
Differences between registration and workforce data
Workforce Data and Registration Data The SSSC has two main sets of data on people working in the social service sector in Scotland. The first is usually referred to by us as the ‘workforce’ data and the second as the ‘registration’ data. Before looking...
Adults' Services Workforce 2017
This report looks in detail at the adults' services workforce in Scotland. It supplements data already published in the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2017 Workforce Data.
Detailed data
Below you can find more workforce and qualification data at a more in depth level. This data can be downloaded below. Date Publication Dec 24 2023 Detailed workforce information Here Nov 24 Interactive Social Worker Data Tool 2023 Here Nov 24 Local...
Revision to age cohort data
We have identified an issue with the age cohort data in the interactive visualisation and detailed workforce information spreadsheets for 2008-2013.
How this website can help you
Scottish Social Services Workforce Data is a unique, free to use, online resource providing you with all the workforce data and reports that the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) publish on the social services sector in Scotland. All our data...
What we do (2)
Here is what we've been working on recently: 1) Workforce Data Report – On 29th August 2018 we published the 2017 Workforce Data Report. This report gives a comprehensive picture of the paid workforce employed in the social service sector in Scotland...
SVQs in the Scottish Social Service Sector 2015
This is the seventh in a series of annual reports on Scottish Vocational Qualifications provision in Scotland, produced regularly for the purposes of workforce planning.
Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2014 Workforce Data
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) today published Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2014 Workforce Data .
Our role
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has responsibility for publishing data and intelligence on the workforce in the social service sector in Scotland. This responsibility was delegated to the SSSC in 2001 by Scottish Ministers under the...
Revisions to 2012 workforce data
Following identification of an error in the 2012 Workforce data publications in August 2014, the 2012 Scottish Social Services Workforce Data report has now been revised (available here ).
Registration Dashboard
The dashboard below will help you navigate our Registration data. Please note that Registration data is different from Workforce data. To find out more about the difference click here . This report provides information on the numbers of people...
Quarterly Registration Data
This page provides information on the numbers of people registered with the SSSC and the numbers with qualification conditions for each registration level. The data are available to download each quarter from March 2019 onwards.
Our workforce data, information and intelligence publications are all available from this section of the web-site. Immediately below are quick links to our most recent publications. More detailed information on each publication can be found on our...
2023-2024 SVQ Tables
The Scottish Social Services Council publishes information on those undertaking qualifications relevant to work in the social service sector. This data is to help support workforce planning. There are two main SVQ frameworks that are relevant to people...
Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2015 Workforce Data
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) today published Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2015 Workforce Data .