
Our workforce data, information and intelligence publications are all available from this section of the web-site. Immediately below are quick links to our most recent publications, followed by more detailed information on each publication.


Date Publication  
July 24 2023-2024 SVQ Tables Here
July 24 Social worker filled posts and vacancies six-monthly survey - Dec 2023 Here
Apr 24 Digital Capabilities within the Adult Social Care Workforce in Scotland   Here
Feb 24 The Distribution of the Social Service Workforce Report   Here
Jan 24 The Fitness to Practise report Here
Dec 23 2022 Children's Services Workforce Tables  Here
Nov 23 Adults' services workforce tables 2022  Here
Oct 23 Social worker filled posts and vacancies six-monthly survey  Here
Sep 23 The 2022 Staff vacancies in care services report Here
Sep 23 Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2022 Workforce Data Here
Sep 23 Register annual report 2022 to 2023  Here
Aug 23 Mental Health Officers time series data 2006 to 2022 Here
Aug 23 Mental Health Officers (Scotland) Report 2022 Here
Aug 23 2022-2023 SVQ Tables Here
Jun 23 Movement of Day Care of Children Staff Report Here
May 23 2021 Children's Services Workforce Tables Here
Dec 22  The Adults' services time series 2011 to 2021 Here
Dec 22 2021 Detailed workforce information  Here
Nov 22 Staff vacancies in care services 2021  Here
Oct 22 Local Authority Post Types 2021  Here
Quarterly Registration and Early Learning and Childcare data    Here

July 2024

2023-2024 SVQ Tables

15 Jul 2024

The Scottish Social Services Council publishes information on those undertaking qualifications relevant to work in the social service sector. This data is to help supports workforce planning in the sector.

These tables provide SVQ provision data separately for social services and healthcare (primarily Adult services) and Children and Young People frameworks as well as the proportion of SVQ activity made up by Modern Apprenticeships (MAs) in Scotland.

As well as the 2023-24 data these tables also show historic data (2019-20 onwards) in order to allow comparison. 

These tables present a detailed analysis of the entries (registrations) and awards (certifications) in relevant SVQs for the Adults and Children and Young People frameworks. The data used in the tables are is provided by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA).

The SSSC is the Scottish partner in Skills for Care & Development, which is the sector skills council for the social service sector. As such the SSSC is responsible for approving MA centres and dealing with all registrations and certifications in the two relevant frameworks. The data for this is held on the MA Online system, which is managed on behalf of all sector skills councils by the Federation for Industry Sector Skills & Standards (FISSS).

The data tables and charts in this report are available in Microsoft Excel (.xls x) and OpenDocument Spreadsheet (.ods) format. The provision of the data in these formats is intended to facilitate its analysis and re-use.

Description File type File size (KB)  
All tables (Excel 2010) .xlsx 53 All tables xlxs
All tables (ODS) .ods 32 All tables ods

If you have any enquiries about these tables, please contact:

Zara Gall
Tel: 01382 723657
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Social worker filled posts and vacancies six-monthly survey at December 2023

09 Jul 2024

Analysis of the data as at 4th December 2023


This report presents data on the whole time equivalent (WTE) number of social workers and social work vacancies in local authority social work services in December 2023. It is the second of our half-yearly reports on practising social workers (that is, main grade social workers and senior social workers). The first report was published in October last year with data from June 2023. That report can be downloaded from here


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April 2024

Digital Capabilities within the Adult Social Care Workforce in Scotland

11 Apr 2024

The SSSC commissioned ekosgen to conduct research into the digital capabilities of the adult social care workforce in Scotland. 

This ekosgen report details the context for the research, the methodology, the results, analysis and recommendations.


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February 2024

The Distribution of the Social Service Workforce

05 Feb 2024

This report looks at how the workforce in the social service sector (as defined by the Public Service Reform Scotland Act 2010 ) is distributed across employers of different size and types. We refer to these employers as providers throughout this report as these are the organisations that provide social services in Scotland.

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January 2024

Fitness to practise data report

31 Jan 2024

Fitness to practise data report


This new data report provides an insight into the SSSC’s role in protecting the public by ensuring the registered workforce is trusted, skilled and fit to practise. 


It’s the first time we’ve published such a report on our fitness to practise data. It follows a similar report on Register data we published last year and helps to build a unique insight into the social work, social care and children and young people workforce. 


People registered with the SSSC must meet the standards, behaviours and values set out in the SSSC’s Codes of Practice and we can take action if they fall below these standards. This can be removing them from the Register, suspension, a warning or a condition on their registration, for example to complete extra learning. 


The report shows the vast majority of the 170,313 people on our Register practise safely, effectively and are doing a great job. On average we investigate only 1.1.% of registrants each year and 96 people were removed from the Register during 2022-2023. 


It shows that the length of time we take to close fitness to practise referrals is reducing and takes on average 5.4 months. Other data in the report highlights that inappropriate behaviour at work is the most frequent type of behaviour we investigate. 


Information on differences between registration data and workforce data and their strengths and weaknesses can be found here:



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December 2023

2022 Children's Services Workforce Tables

19 Dec 2023

These tables look in detail at the children's services workforce in Scotland. It supplements data already published in the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2022 Workforce Data.

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