Fitness to practise data report

31 Jan 2024

Fitness to practise data report


This new data report provides an insight into the SSSC’s role in protecting the public by ensuring the registered workforce is trusted, skilled and fit to practise. 


It’s the first time we’ve published such a report on our fitness to practise data. It follows a similar report on Register data we published last year and helps to build a unique insight into the social work, social care and children and young people workforce. 


People registered with the SSSC must meet the standards, behaviours and values set out in the SSSC’s Codes of Practice and we can take action if they fall below these standards. This can be removing them from the Register, suspension, a warning or a condition on their registration, for example to complete extra learning. 


The report shows the vast majority of the 170,313 people on our Register practise safely, effectively and are doing a great job. On average we investigate only 1.1.% of registrants each year and 96 people were removed from the Register during 2022-2023. 


It shows that the length of time we take to close fitness to practise referrals is reducing and takes on average 5.4 months. Other data in the report highlights that inappropriate behaviour at work is the most frequent type of behaviour we investigate. 


Information on differences between registration data and workforce data and their strengths and weaknesses can be found here:



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