Scottish Social Services Workforce Data
Data revisions
This page tells you about any revisions or corrections made to previously published data or reports. The SSSC has a revisions and corrections policy for its workforce data publications.
Revision to 2012 MHO data
Some minor errors in the 2012 MHO Report were identified during the compilation of the 2013 MHO Report, and have been corrected.
Revision to 2012 detailed workforce data
Minor formatting and labelling issues were identified in the 2012 detailed workforce information. The issue affects the "LA SWS Table" tab for the rows between Orkney Islands and South Lanarkshire. Some of the Local Authority and Location/Activity labels do not align with the data correctly which gives misleading results. The "LA SWS Data" tab is not affected by this issue.
The file was corrected and can be downloaded from the 2012 detailed workforce information page.