Adults' services time series 2011 to 2021

12 Dec 2022

Adults’ services account for over 68% of the Scottish social service workforce

These tables look at a time series from 2011 to 2021 of the adults' services workforce and show the change over time of the composition of adults’ services.

These tables also  include an overview of the headcount, numbers of services, median number of staff and employer type for all adults’ services’ sub-sectors.


Key points

  • The adults' services workforce headcount has increased by over 4300, a rise of just over 3% since 2011, whereas the overall number of services fell by 58 (1.5%).
  • The increase in headcount was not evenly spread across the sub-sectors but was mainly driven by increases to the housing support/care at home sub-sector, particularly the sole care at home sub type which saw an increase of over 11000 staff (141%). Some other sub sectors saw a drop in headcount.
  • Within care homes for adults there are now fewer services but with larger median staffing numbers than before (the exception is in blood borne services). The decrease in services has been year on year with the biggest annual decrease being 43 between 2014 and 2015, and the smallest being between 2019 and 2020 with a decrease of 12.
  • The private sector has remained the largest employer with the most number of filled posts over the below reported time span (employing 42% of the workforce in 2021, followed by private (30.5%) and public (28.5%).   
  • There was a fall of 2,500 in the workforce employed in services jointly registered to provide both care at home and housing support, and a rise of 141% and 3% respectively within the sole care at home and sole housing support sub types.
  • Nurse agencies saw an increase in headcount of over 1400, a rise of 73% since 2011.  

The below tables also show median hours, age, gender, part time/full time and  job function for the workforce in care homes for adults and housing support/care at home services. These two sub-sectors are broken down into further sub-types.


Description Type  
All tables and charts Excel  Excl  Download
All tables and charts zipped csv  csv  Download 
1) Adults' services overview 2011-2021 .csv  Download
2) Adults' services: workforce by subsector and employer type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
3) Adults' services workforce headcount 2011 to 2021, and the percentage change 2011 to 2021 .csv  Download
4) Adults' active services 2011 to 2021, and the percentage change 2011 to 2021 .csv  Download
5) Care homes for adults overview 2011-2021 .csv  Download
6) Care homes for adults tables and charts comparisons headcount , service numbers and median staff  2011 to 2021 .csv  Download
7) Care homes for adults: services by service type and employer type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
8) Care homes for adults: staff by service type and employer type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
9) Care homes for adults: median weekly hours and age by service type 2011-2021 .csv   Download
10) Care homes for adults: percentage of staff by part time/full time by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
11) Care homes for adults: percentage of staff by gender by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
12) Care homes for adults: percentage of staff by job function by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
13) Housing support/care at home overview 2011-2021 .csv  Download
14)Housing support/care at home tables and charts comparisons headcount , service numbers and median staff  2011 to 2021 .csv  Download
15) Housing support/care at home: services by service type and employer type 2011 - 2021 .csv  Download
16) Housing support/care at home: staff by service type and employer type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
17) Housing support/care at home: median weekly hours and age by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
18) Housing support/care at home: part time/full time by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
19) Housing support/care at home: percentage of staff by gender by service type 2011-2021 .csv   Download
20) Housing support/care at home: percentage of staff by job function by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
21) Adults' services by employer type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
22)Adults' services: median weekly hours and age by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
23) Adults' services: part time/full time by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
24)Adults' services: gender by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download
25) Adults' services : percentage of staff by job function by service type 2011-2021 .csv  Download

If you have any enquiries about these tables, please contact:

Zara Gall
Tel: 01382 723657
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.