Scottish Social Services Workforce Data
So what information is collected?
Intelligence, issue four. Good Labour Market Information (LMI) can highlight key issues for you as employers about your existing workforce and plays a vital role in planning for the future. It can help employers to understand the more about the workforce they have now and to plan for the workforce they will need in future. Good LMI also supports you to improve your benchmarking processes by helping you to compare the characteristics of your workforce with others.
We also share relevant information with Scottish Government and other stakeholders to ensure they are aware of the nature of our workforce and this has really improved everyone's understanding.
The data comes from a range of sources - more about those in the bulletin. In this edition we provide you with a snapshot of the most up to date information.
We hope you find the bulletin useful and we'd like to hear from you if you've used the information in your service and to help with workforce planning. Please contact Neil Macleod with your comments at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
These Intelligence bulletins from the Scottish Social Services Council, as part of Skills for Care and Development, will let you find out more about the workforce and help plan the Scottish social services workforce for the future.
Skills for Care and Development is the sector skills council for social care, children and young people’s workforce in the UK.