Scottish Social Services Workforce Data
SVQs in the social services sector from April to June 2008
This is the third in a series of quarterly papers on the provision and uptake of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) in Health and Social Care in Scotland. These papers are produced regularly for the purposes of workforce planning in the social services sector.
The Scottish Social Services Council wants to know more about the workforce and is keen to have accurate information about the qualifications which employees are undertaking and achieving. This paper sets out information we have gathered, which will assist education and training providers, employers, employees and other partners involved in workforce development activities.
This quarterly update provides information on Scottish Qualifications Authority accredited SVQ registrations and certifications in the social care sector for the period April – June 2008. An overview of qualifications for this quarter is given, which is supplemented with a comparison of results from this quarter in previous years.
The headline results are:
- Level 3 qualifications aggregated provide the most registrations and certifications
- Health and Social Care Level 2 provides the largest amount of registrations and certifications
- Level 2 and 3 registrations and certifications are down on the same quarter in 2007, with registrations falling by a large amount
- the number of registrations in this quarter is very close to the number of certifications.