
On this page you can find announcements about publication dates and updates about our work.

Publication of Provisional Official Statistics

18 May 2020

The SSSC is pleased to announce our publication of provisional Official Statistics on the social service sector’s workforce at 9.30am on Monday 18th May 2020. 

We have taken the unusual step of publishing data provisionally (in advance of our main publication scheduled for August 2020) in order to support planning for the sector’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is in line with advice from Scottish Government to Official Statistics producers to consider ways in which they can support planning. It is also in light of the increased demand we have experienced for data that we hold on those working in the sector. In deciding this and developing the data sets we took advice from the Office of the Chief Statistician in Scottish Government and from key stakeholders in the sector. If we had not taken this step then the data would not be available until after the publication of the main report (the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on Workforce Data) in August 2020.

The information contained within the provisional data sets presents data on the number of staff within registered care services by their location. In the case of local authority social work staff this is presented by local authority area and by the type of team they work in. Data on childminders is presented simply at the level of the local authority. 

The data is published here.

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Announcement of publication date of Provisional Official Statistics on the Scottish Social Service Workforce

15 May 2020

Due to the unprecedented circumstances that Scotland and the rest of the world are currently in, Official Statistics producers have been asked by Scottish Government to consider ways in which we can support planning of responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the light of increased demand for data that we hold on those working in the sector and the services they work in we took advice from the Office of the Chief Statistician in Scottish Government and from key stakeholders in the sector with a view to bringing forward publication of provisional detailed data from December 2019. This would not otherwise be available until after the publication of the main report (the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on Workforce Data) which will not be available for publication until August 2020.

The information contained within the provisional data sets will present data on the number of staff by their location (full postcode) and also by details of the registered care service they work in. In the case of local authority social workers this is presented by local authority area and by the type of team they work in. Childminders data is presented simply at the level of the local authority.

The data set will be published on Monday 18th May at 9.30am on the SSSC workforce data website (

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Publication of 2018 Children's Services Workforce Tables

08 Apr 2020

We are pleased to announce the publication of The Children’s Services Workforce 2018 Tables. These tables look at the workforce in children’s services in Scotland broken by sub-sector, and focuses in detail on the three sub-sectors which can be split further (day care of children, residential child care, and school care accommodation). It supplements data already published in the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2018 Workforce Data.

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Publication of the Staff vacancies in care services 2018 report

02 Mar 2020

The Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) have published new figures on the levels of staff vacancies in Scotland’s social care services.

As with the previous report, this report provides a national overview of vacancies and recruitment difficulties reported by care services to the Care Inspectorate, the body which registers and inspects all social care services.

The report is available here 

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Publication of the 2018 Adults' Services workforce in Scotland tables

03 Feb 2020

These tables look in detail at the adults' services workforce in Scotland. They supplement data already published in the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2018 Workforce Data.

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Interactive social worker data tool 2018 update published

20 Dec 2019

We have recently released an update to the Excel based Social Worker Data Tool (available here). The aim of this tool is to make the information on practising Social Workers employed by local authorities more accessible.

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