Scottish Social Services Workforce Data
On this page you can find announcements about publication dates and updates about our work.
Publication of the 2019 Mental Health Officers Report
We are pleased to announce that the Mental Health Officers (Scotland) 2019 Report was published on Thursday 13th August 2020 (available here.)
For more information, please contact Zara Gall, Data Researcher at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Publication of the 2018 MHO Report
We are pleased to announce that the Mental Health Officers (Scotland) 2018 Report will be published on Tuesday 20th August 2019.
For more information, please contact Zara Gall, Data Researcher at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Exploring education and training to improve our understanding of social service career pathways
Exploring education and training to improve our understanding of social service career pathways focuses on education and training in the sector as it plays a role in supporting entry and progression.
Using SSSC registration data to examine workforce movements
Part two of the National Workforce Plan for Health and Social Care sets out current and future workforce challenges and identifies several recommendations.
We are leading work to identify how to improve career opportunities along with relevant training and education to support the workforce.
This data analysis is a longitudinal piece of work and we intend to expand our collaborative and explorative approach with the sector to enhance the process and ultimately the usefulness of the findings.
Delay to publication of the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2018 Workforce Data
The annual Workforce Data Report due for publication at the end of August will be delayed this year.
We are hopeful that it will be published before the end of October and we will make an announcement on the News section of the SSSC workforce data website once we are confident of the timescale for publication.
If you have any questions about this please contact Mike Docherty, Workforce Intelligence Manager (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
Economic Value Report Addendum
The economic Value report on adult social care was published in 2018 and can be found here on the SSSC workforce data website:
The partners in Skills for Care & Development who commissioned the research into the economic value of adult social care agreed to commission an Addendum to the report to explore some of the unanswered questions raised in the main reports.
The main aims for this additional research were:
■ Provide a breakdown of the economic value of the adult social care sector using the expenditure approach by type of service provider (public, private and voluntary);
■ Describe the reasons for the higher economic value in Scotland (per capita) than the other UK nations;
■ Disaggregate the indirect and induced economic impacts by type of service; and
■ Illustrate how the economic value of the adult social care sector (using the income approach) could vary as a result of changes to employee earnings.
You can download the Addendum here: