Scottish Social Services Workforce Data
On this page you can find announcements about publication dates and updates about our work.
Publication of 2017 Children's Services Workforce Report
We are pleased to announce the publication of The Children’s Services Workforce 2017. This report looks at the workforce in children’s services in Scotland broken by sub-sector, and focuses in detail on the three sub-sectors which can be split further (day care of children, residential child care, and school care accommodation). It supplements data already published in the Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2017 Workforce Data.
Publication of the Staff vacancies in care services 2017 report
The Care Inspectorate and the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) have today published new figures on the levels of staff vacancies in Scotland’s social care services.
As with the previous report, this report provides a national overview of vacancies and recruitment difficulties reported by care services to the Care Inspectorate, the body which registers and inspects all social care services. It also introduces for the first time data on the actual number of vacancies services have, held by the SSSC, the social service workforce regulator.
The report is available here
Publication of 2017 LA post type data
We are pleased to announce that the breakdown of LA post types for 2017 was published on Friday 26th October (available here). The spreadsheets present headcount and WTE (whole time equivalent) data of all filled posts in local authority social work services where those employed do not work in a registered care service. This therefore covers staff working primarily in field social work services.