
Our workforce data, information and intelligence publications are all available from this section of the web-site. Immediately below are quick links to our most recent publications, followed by more detailed information on each publication.


Date Publication  
July 24 2023-2024 SVQ Tables Here
July 24 Social worker filled posts and vacancies six-monthly survey - Dec 2023 Here
Apr 24 Digital Capabilities within the Adult Social Care Workforce in Scotland   Here
Feb 24 The Distribution of the Social Service Workforce Report   Here
Jan 24 The Fitness to Practise report Here
Dec 23 2022 Children's Services Workforce Tables  Here
Nov 23 Adults' services workforce tables 2022  Here
Oct 23 Social worker filled posts and vacancies six-monthly survey  Here
Sep 23 The 2022 Staff vacancies in care services report Here
Sep 23 Scottish Social Service Sector: Report on 2022 Workforce Data Here
Sep 23 Register annual report 2022 to 2023  Here
Aug 23 Mental Health Officers time series data 2006 to 2022 Here
Aug 23 Mental Health Officers (Scotland) Report 2022 Here
Aug 23 2022-2023 SVQ Tables Here
Jun 23 Movement of Day Care of Children Staff Report Here
May 23 2021 Children's Services Workforce Tables Here
Dec 22  The Adults' services time series 2011 to 2021 Here
Dec 22 2021 Detailed workforce information  Here
Nov 22 Staff vacancies in care services 2021  Here
Oct 22 Local Authority Post Types 2021  Here
Quarterly Registration and Early Learning and Childcare data    Here

July 2011

SVQs in the social services sector from January to March 2010

01 Jul 2011

This is the tenth in a series of quarterly papers on the provision and uptake of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) in Health and Social Care (HSC) and Children’s Care Learning and Development (CCLD) in Scotland. These papers are produced regularly for the purposes of workforce planning in the social services sector.

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June 2011

Scottish social services sector: report on 2009 workforce data

09 Jun 2011

This is the second report published by the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) combining data from the Scottish Government annual census of staff in local authority social work services with data from the annual returns collected by the Care Commission from all registered care providers. The data was gathered in late 2009.

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March 2011

The residential child care workforce in Scotland, December 2008

29 Mar 2011

Intelligence, issue five. This Intelligence bulletin provides a snapshot of the Residential Child Care (RCC) workforce in Scotland. It examines the age, gender and qualifications of the RCC workforce, comparing it with similar sub-sectors and the wider social services sector. All RCC workers are required to be registered with the SSSC and must inform us when they have completed a qualification which meets their condition for registration.

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January 2011

2011 detailed workforce information

26 Jan 2011

Publication revised

This spreadsheet contains information about the Social Services
Workforce collected from services regulated by the Care Inspectorate
(via its Annual Returns in December) and from the annual December Local
Authority Social Work Services Staffing Return.

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So what information is collected?

26 Jan 2011

Intelligence, issue four. Good Labour Market Information (LMI) can highlight key issues for you as employers about your existing workforce and plays a vital role in planning for the future. It can help employers to understand the more about the workforce they have now and to plan for the workforce they will need in future. Good LMI also supports you to improve your benchmarking processes by helping you to compare the characteristics of your workforce with others.

We also share relevant information with Scottish Government and other stakeholders to ensure they are aware of the nature of our workforce and this has really improved everyone's understanding.

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September 2010

Understanding the external environment

22 Sep 2010

Intelligence, issue three. There are a range of resources which provide a picture of the social services workforce and external drivers for change in the sector, for example, demographic change will impact on your workforce. This edition of intelligence outlines resources which assist employers to identify and understand the impact of these drivers. This is a crucial part of workforce planning ensuring employers have the right people, with the right skills, in the right place, at the right time. Good workforce planning will help employers to avoid unnecessary expenditure.

We are sure you will find the information provided in this bulletin useful. If you have any comments or feedback please contact Neil Macleod at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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